I did a quick post about Jaelyn graduating Pre-K here. But here are a few more pictures and a little background on the day.
She attends the morning class at her school so at 9:00am they put on a little program about crayons. It was super cute. She was the orange crayon... and what a cute crayon she was. The play was all about how unique & different each crayon is but when they work together, they can create something beautiful. Adorable!
Here she is "stepping up" to Kindergarten... yay! Her teacher said very nice things about her and bragged about how much she loved to read. *so proud!*
After her little play, we went back to her class for some refreshments, sandwiches & cake! Yum!
I am very proud! I know she will do just fine in Kindergarten. I can't believe it! When did she grow up so fast??
With Nana & Mom-Mom
With her friends Eliza & Allie
What a cutie....
YAY! I'm a big girl now!!!
Congratulations my little sweet!! ♥
congrats to her, what sweet pics!
So cute!!!! It is sad how fast our kids grow up.
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