Saturday morning the girls dyed eggs with Nana and had such a blast! Jaelyn couldn't wait to pull the egg out of her cup to see what magical color it had turned. The expressions on her face were truly priceless. I just love her smile. Abbie was not quite as excited but still smiled all the same when Nana helped her out. I think she would have rather thrown the eggs or tried to eat them, haha!

Sunday morning we woke up to find filled Easter baskets! Jaelyn dug into hers right away peeling away wrappers and digging right into the chocolate. Abbie tried to eat it with the wrappers and required a bit more help. They were both thrilled! After a short nap, we got our best Easter dresses on and made our way over to my Sister's house for an egg hunt, dinner and just plain old fashioned fun.

The egg hunt was a blast. The looks on all the kids faces as they had to 'hunt' for 200 eggs... 6 kids & 200 eggs, you do the math!

This weekend was a true reminder of how blessed we are as a family. I can't think of anything better than seeing my girls, along with their cousins, smiling, laughing and playing together as if it was a plan already in place and was now happening.