I haven't posted these snow pictures yet, call me a slacker!
We had a pretty nice snow storm last weekend into Monday. Which meant Mommy got a snow day on Monday, yippee!
I was happy the girls were going to experience snow again, last year Jaelyn loved it but Abbie wasn't all to sure only being a year old. AND, I had actually bought snow suits in hopes they would get to use them!
So after naps on Monday, we layered on the clothes and went out to play.
First, Daddy had to plow the snow and a little pathway for us... Abbie just sat in the bay window looking out... waving at him each time he went by. This picture is just precious to me... it's very rare that Abbie is calm, sitting and just watching anything!
I wasn't sure how Abbie would be this time around but she ran right for the snow not caring how deep it was.
Jaelyn of course, wanted to make a snowman, a snow angel, have a snowball fight and everything else... no fear, at all!!
Here she is attempting a snow angel.. haha!
I remember playing in the snow when I was kid. I'm not sure if it was for hours or maybe just 15 minutes but it was fun just the same. I'm glad my girls are getting to enjoy it, too! Snow is usually hit or miss around here. It seems we go a few Winters with little to no snow and then WHAM! we get hit we it more & more.
We are celebrating the New Year tonight over our good friends house. The girls are tagging along in their pj's to play and will probably be out before the ball drops.
Looking back on 2010 there are a few heartaches I could have done without, but they are all a part of growing & learning, right? I know 2011 will be a better year and perhaps one of the best to be remembered.
I wish all of you happiness, joy, laughter & love... Happy New Year!