A Mommy's Daybook
outside my window...
the sun is out! We haven't seen much of it all week so I'm happy it's decided to make an appearance, especially for Friday!
i am thinking...
that 4:30 cannot get here fast enough today.
i am learning...
that I just can't 'like' everybody.
{I may not show it all the time, but you really do bug me!!}
i am wearing...
dress clothes for work. I'd wish they would adapt the casual friday/jeans thing!
i am creating...
a pile of things for the party next week!
i am going...
to have a FANTASTIC 4-day WEEKEND!!!
i am reading...
Overprotected by Jennifer Laurens
{I just finished Plan B by Jenny O'Connell last night... very cute story!}
i am hoping...
this guy claiming the world is ending on Saturday night gets egged on his way to his car. Silly man.
i am hearing...
the printer spitting out page after page.
around the house...
there are piles of clean clothes on the dressers that need put away. I need to sort through the girls clothes & take out all the long sleeved stuff. Organization is needed very soon! Like, now!
one of my favorite things...
right now is hearing Jaelyn & Abbie say their last name. ♥
a few plans for the weekend...
dance class with Jaelyn Saturday morning.
my cousin, Terry's birthday party on Saturday.
Planting some garden stuff with the girls
(Daddy made us our own special garden box!)
Lancaster with my wonderful Hubby on Monday for my birthday!
Cape May Zoo and some other fun stuff on Tuesday with my babies!
a picture...
i've been learning LOTS of things in photography the past month...
just a sample!
i've been learning LOTS of things in photography the past month...
just a sample!