Happy, Happy FRIDAY!!
I always seem to be in good spirits & a better mood when Friday rolls around. It's like, yay! I finally made it! Two days of not sitting at a desk.. woohoo!! Let's just hope the weather coincides with my good mood and it remains nice out.
Our weekend plans include: dance class on Saturday morning, a birthday party with family on Saturday night and perhaps a visit to the Easter Bunny on Sunday. Abbie wanted nothing to do with Santa so not sure how she will feel about a giant bunny with a goofy grin on his face. Might be interesting!
Our social worker brought over the last of the paperwork for us to sign last night! YAY! As it looks now we are still on target for May 20th (my birthday is May 23 - what an AWESOME birthday present!). Now, we meet with our lawyer to sign MORE paperwork and then everything can be filed with the state. Keep your fingers cross and send up a prayer or two! We are in the home stretch so it's just knowing when our special day will be at this point. Then.. A BIG PARTY!!! I can't wait to celebrate our new family! ♥
I hope your Friday is going well!!
Please share what you have planned for this weekend... anything special?
Have you entered my giveaway??
Please go check it out. You don't want to miss it!
~Adelaide Accessories Giveaway~
~Adelaide Accessories Giveaway~
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Linking up to these pretty cool Friday Blog Hops: