Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wordish Wednesday: Books

Don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!!
Jaelyn loves books. I wonder why she gets it from, ha. She will sit & read (well, her version of reading) an entire stack of books and then go back & get more. I do try to read to them every day! And, speaking of books... I volunteered my time tonight at Jaelyn's school to help out with the book fair! Yay! I don't get to do a whole lot since I work during the day so when this popped up, I jumped at the chance. I hope they raise of ton of money.

Happy Wednesday!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pin It Tuesday

Don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!!


Are you on Pinterest? Well, you should be! It's only the coolest site ever. It's a neat place to store all of your favorite things! Just like a personal organizer! If you'd like an invite, please let me know. If you are already on there, please add me & I will follow you back! :)

So lately I've been pondering another tattoo. I never thought I'd want another one but, well.. maybe I do. I want to add to the dragonfly on my foot - I'd like the girls names incorperated somehow. Other than that though, I really think I want a camera tattoo. Something small. Maybe on the inside of my wrist or maybe hidden somewhere. I love picture and I really think my future is in photography but maybe I'm jumping the gun a little. It's just an idea or thought, not like I've made an appointment or anything... yet.

Here are some cute ones I've seen so far...

Repinned from Tattoos by Hippy Sunshine

Repinned from Tattoo by Thaís Coelho

Come join in the fun on pinning and link up:
Crazy About My Baybah 

Monday, February 27, 2012

show off your shot.

Hosted by the wonderful, Rachel over at and then, she {snapped}

 then, she {snapped}
I took this on my iPhone. No, seriously. I was so impressed with it. One of my new favorite pictures. Edited it in PS Express right from my phone. Love! This was Sunday morning.. we pretty much stayed in our pj's all day. Yep. Not ashamed of it either. Sometimes that just what ya need to do!

Hey, since you are here... go enter my GIVEAWAY. You could win a lovely bar of soap from Coast Mountain Company. Yummy!!