It's here... THE WEEKEND!!
Happy Friday everyone!
That's right... one of my best friends is getting married!!!
I mentioned this earlier on this blog somewhere that she was engaged recently & it's been a long time coming so I am so super excited for her. I went to visit her to see her big rock and she never stopped smiling the entire time she was talking & telling me details. It was so SWEET!
She has an appointment tomorrow to try on some wedding dresses and asked me to go along and I am trying REALLY hard to make plans so I can, because I have been waiting FOREVER to see her in a white dress! {not as long as she has been waiting I'm sure, but you get the point!}.
I won't reveal all of the cool wedding plans they have made already but as September gets closer, I will probably be more giddy for her... just a warning!
Let the fun begin!!!
Friday Blog Hops:

Let the fun begin!!!
Friday Blog Hops:

1. Where did you meet your spouse and did you instantly know it was love?
My Husband & I were set up on a blind date by a woman I use to work with & her daughter. The date went well, obviously and the rest is history. I'm not sure we knew it was love 'instantly' but we did fall pretty hard for each other in a short amount of time. ♥
2. What is your favorite room in your house?
The living room - our couch is super comfy & the girls have most of their toys on there so we are in that room 90% of the time.
3. Can you wiggle your ears?
Why, yes I can!
4. What is your evening ritual?
Most nights it goes like this:
4:45 I am home - Hubster picks up the girls & arrives before or around the same time.
Play - Play - Play - Ask about their days - hugs & kisses!
6:00 (or around there) - Dinner
Play - Play - Play after dinner
7:00 - 7:30 baths
8:00 - 8:30 bedtime for the girls
then it's either relax, fold laundry, do some stuff, read, play on the computer, snuggle with hubby until bedtime which is about 10-11-ish.
The weekends are a little different; the girls may stay up later; we may go out somewhere, etc.!
5. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
Ha! What is sleep? Seriously - I've functioned with anywhere from a couple hours sleep to 7 hours sleep so apparently it doesn't matter much nowadays!
Go check out my 365 project!
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