Welcome! Tell 2 truths and a lie and make us guess which is the lie.
You've played this game before, so why not join The Scoop on Poop and CA Girl every Thursday by:
1. Grabbing the handy little button on the sidebar
2. Posting your 2 truths and a lie
3. Link up
4. Reveal your lie the next week!
5. Visit others who link up and leave a comment guessing their lie.
It's that easy!! You know you want to play!! Link up today!!
Last Week's Fact or Fiction:
~ I'd love a Kindle for Christmas.
~ I spent $500 each on my Girls for Christmas!
~ My Hubby & I have "stocking wars" with each other.
Well, did you guess it?? My lie was the the 2nd one - I did not spend $500 each on both my Girls for Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to! But we didn't go quite that crazy. Maybe we'll save the bigger spending for when they are older and want all those big electronic type things? oy!
I would love a Kindle - yes I love books, I love opening them, the smell of them, reading the words on paper BUT I'd also love something that will hold more than one if I happen to take a trip (because that happens often right now, ha!). I really just think they are neat and HELLO at getting a book instantly! Yes, please!!
My Hubby & I do have stocking wars. This has been going on ever since I remember. We try to stuff each others stocking with the best, oddest, cutest, weird, pretty darn nifty things we can find for each other. I quite enjoy it!
OK... on to this weeks.. can you guess the 2 truths & my lie?? Hmmmm...
I hate getting gas in my car.
Laundry is my favorite chore!
I'm a pretty darn good baker when I try.
GOOD LUCK! Make sure you check back next week to see if you are right!