I think this might be the first time I've sat down since leaving work at 3:00pm on Wednesday afternoon. WHEW! I knew it would be a busy few days though, so not much surprise there.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday with family & close friends. The food was delicious, the pecan pie was awesome and the leftovers we had today were just as tasty! Yummy, yum yum!
Abbie loved everything about Thanksgiving dinner, so munched down the stuffing & turkey. She tried other things & made funny faces but at least she tried!
Jaelyn would have probably rather ate peanut butter & jelly but she finally did eat a little bit and then she devoured some peanut butter pie that Aunt Jo made!
The kids settled down to watch Toy Story 3 while the Ladies searched thru sale ads upon sale ads up sale ads! There wasn't anything that I thought I NEEDED to get but there were some pretty good deals so I ventured out to Toys-R-Us at 10pm after the girls were sound asleep (& their Daddy shortly after!). I bought some gifts for the girls & other kids in the family and some pretty reasonable prices. When I walked out an hour & a 1/2 later I was shocked to see people were still in line just to get into the store. WOW! Crazyness!! But everyone was polite from what I saw. There was no pushing & shoving. No panicking the last toy was gone. It was rather calm & easy.
I don't want to share too much as I want the cards to be a sweet surprise when they are opened by the recipents! But here are a few of my favorite shots that didn't quite make the Christmas card cut to give you an idea....
I promise to share the cards at a later time.. they are SO cute and boy am I happy that Shutterfly had that amazing free card giveaway.
Well, it's on to more shopping, wrapping and hopefully putting up the tree before the weekend is over. That in itself should be a fun adventure.