Happy Friday!!
It's been quite the week. Jaelyn was sick last friday & into the weekend then, Abbie was sick as well and THEN for the past 2 days I've been sick! It's so fun when it gets passed around. Ugh! I think I've sprayed everything with Lysol at least 20 times each. Let's hope it goes away!
We were suppose to have mediation yesterday which was cancelled. Apparently all parties were not able to attend. This is the 3rd time it has been cancelled, I'm just begining to think it's not meant to be. All part of the plan....
I did get to work on Valentine's yesterday for the girls & their friends! I will showcase them to you all later... they are really cute! I really do like Valentine's Day and not just because I'm married and have a permanent Valentine.. it's more because it's a day of love. And doesn't this world need more of that?? Well, I think it does! I like the hearts, and mushy stuff and everyone (for the most part) happy and just that feeling of love everywhere. It's nice. That isn't to say we should all run out and buy candy & flowers & such on just this day but... it's nice to have a day devoted to love! Perhaps there should be more of them throughout the year!
Tonight I get another girls night out! Going to basket/bag Bingo again! Woohoo! I hope I win a new bag or a pretty new basket filled with good stuff! Either way, it's a night out with some girls and just a good time.
Tomorrow night is date night with hubby! We are going out with friends.. unsure of what we are doing yet (but isn't it fun when things are all planned out!?). We will see where the night takes us! Should be fun!
I hope all of you enjoy your weekend!!
5 Question Friday

1. Would you rather be on ABC's Extreme Home MakeOver or TLC's What not to Wear?
I'd have to say Extreme Home Makeover. Not that our house is falling apart or so bad we can't live in it like some I've seen on this show nor are we in anyway deserving of a makeover like everyone they pick for this show, which is so fabulous! BUT... have you SEEN the houses they build? GORGEOUS! Just gorgeous! I'd love for my girls to have their own rooms decorated perfectly for them and so on... I just think the house would be more for everyone instead of just myself. Not that a makeover with new clothes, hair, etc. wouldn't be nice either!
2. Do you have any tattoos?
Yes, just one. A little dragonfly on top of my right foot. I've only had it for a few years, too. I do not see myself as getting anymore either. I might add to the dragonfly once the adoption is final with something representing both the girls but.. we'll see!
3. Do you tell your kids about things you did growing up?
Not too much right now. Jaelyn got a few games that I played as a kid.. like Memory and I tell her I played it when I was little like her. Perhaps I will share more (or not) when they are older?
4. If the traffic signal turns yellow, do you stop or speed up?
I am notorious for speeding up. Unless the girls are in the back seat, then I slow down. I have a big of a heavy foot!
5. What's your preference: chocolate or chips?

I took a walk with my hubby yesterday afternoon after being sick & on the couch for 2 days.
I needed some fresh air! It was quite chilly but it was a beautiful day... we realized we need to do more walking thru the woods & take the girls along. It's free, it's healthy, it's exercise and it was actually fun!
{The Jeep was our ride, lol... boys & their toys. *shakes head*}
Check out some fun Friday Blog Hops!