I was tagged by:

The Rules:
1. Post These Rules!
2. Post a link back to the person who tagged you.
3. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
4. You must answer 11 questions the tagger set for you in their post.
5. You must create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
6. Go to 11 blogs and tell them you've tagged them.
7. No stuff in the tagging sections about 'you are tagged if you are reading this' etc.
You legitimately have to tag 11 people (list who you tagged).
11 Random Things:
1. I hate celery.
2. I am addicted to my iPhone.
3. I love books!
4. I like to take pictures.
5. I could spend all day looking at blogs.
6. I must have flavored creamer in my coffee.
7. I need a cup of coffee everyday.
8. My Daughters make me laugh hysterically.
9. I say 'whatever' too much.
10. I forgive easily. Not sure about the forgetting part....
11. I prefer my hangers being all the same way in my closet.
1.) Which do you prefer, movie theatre or dvd's?
dvd's! I'd rather be in my pj's & comfy.
2.) What is your favorite food/meal?
Hmmm.. this is tough. I'm not really picky. I guess if I had to pick,
I'd say seafood of any kind!
3.) Have you made any resolutions for 2012?
No, I did jot down a few 'goals' for myself though.
I refuse to do resolutions, I will just end up breaking them!
4.) Do you have a favorite childhood memory?
Camping every Summer with my entire family. ♥
5.) How many siblings do you have, if any?
2 - A younger brother & a younger sister. Love them dearly!
6.) Where is the most exciting place you have traveled? why?
Europe! I went the Summer of my 10th grade year in high school with a program
called American Music Abroad. It was high schools from the Eastern Coast made into a bad to tour Europe.
I was in the 'color guard' section of the band twirling flags, shaking pom - pom's, you get the idea. Awesome experience!
7.) What do you like to do for fun?
Have coffee with my bff, take pictures, play with my daughters.
8.) What is your favorite tv show?
Mike & Molly or Big Bang Theory - both crack me up!
9.) What was your favorite gift that you recieved this year?
(I'm going to go with 2011 since we are only on day 4 of 2012)
The adoption of my daughters. ♥
10.) How long have you been blogging?
Hmmm... since 2009 but I've really blossomed in the past year.
11.) What was the best thing that happened to you in 2011?