Last night after dinner (which Jaelyn gladly ate all of, plus bread, PLUS some brownie bites! YAY!) we went out for some playtime! I don't think she stopped running, giggling, jumping or smiling the whole time... but I did manage to get her to sit down for a minute or two for some quick pictures.
I am so surprised by how very fast my little girl is growing up. She will be 4 at the end of this month. What? 4? HOW did that happen! She starts Pre-K in the Fall. I will be a big mess as she gets on the school bus for the first time. Yes, a school bus!
We went school shopping on Saturday and as we passed teenage girls laughing with their friends, being cutesy... I looked at Jaelyn and said, "Please stay this little forever holding Mommy's hand through the mall!". If only I could bottle it up!
and she had to take her baby sister for a quick ride...