I hear this rumor that some people have a 3-day weekend? Well, let me just tell you right now.. you suck! I don't have that luxury so I will be at work bright & early on Monday morning. I hope you feel guilty!! lol! :)
I am glad to have the 2 days off though, seems like this week was draggin so it will be nice to catch up on some laziness on the couch with my little princesses. Not for long though... tomorrow we have dance class {FINALLY, after 3 weeks of being off!} and then in the afternoon we have a birthday party to go to at The Little Gym. Is it just me or do you seem to go to more parties once you have kids? I know that is probably logical but man, it seems like all of sudden we go to birthday parties all of the time! Not that I mind, it does help get some energy out!
No plans on Sunday so hopefully it will be rest day and more time for me to play with my camera. Oh how I love the natural light in our house around 10am but I only get to play on the weekends.
**EXCITING NEWS** Two of our very good friends FINALLY got engaged last night. I know she reads my blog so here is a shout-out to her... CONGRATULATIONS MARKIE & LIZ!!! ♥ I couldn't be happier for them and it has been a long time coming. I can't wait to help her with wedding plans, picking out dresses and all of that fun stuff. Exciting for sure!!
Now onto some fun stuff. I am participating in Five Question Friday this week hosted by My Little Life.
Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following
questions to your blog post, answer them,
then watch for the linky to appear Friday morning!
Oh, and HAVE FUN!!
1. What movie could you watch over and over again and not get tired of?
Wow, there are quite a few movies I could & DO watch over & over & over. I never get tired of them, however the hubster does moan & groan quite a bit. Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, The Notebook, & Uptown Girls.. just to name a few. I also love The Sound of Music & Wizard of Oz! Then around Christmas time I could forever watch Elf, A Christmas Story & White Christmas. Oh yes!
2. What's your biggest pet peeve right now?
WAITING!! Is that a pet peeve? We are just waiting for some answers, which hopefuly we will have some insight to on 1/31/11 about our case with the girls. It will be 2 years since they were placed with us on 1/29 and we are ready {more than ready} to adopt and make everything legal. Patience is a virtue.
3. If you had to describe your best friend in five words or less, what would you say?
Fun, Caring, Sweet, Trustworthy & Handsome. That should give you a clue!
4. If you did not have to worry about money or go to school what would you do for a living?
Become a professional photographer and know everything there is to know about taking the perfect picture! Seriously, I love taking pictures and to get paid for it? BONUS!
5. What is your one "splurge" item, that you will always buy, no matter the cost?
BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Yes, I know they have kindles & nooks and all that fancy schmancy stuff now to read books on. But I love the feel of a book in my hand and how pretty & vintage they make my bookshelf look. Yep!
Great questions!! Thanks for checking in!
Stop in & tell me what your weekend plans are!