Good Morning!
I am so happy to be Super-Blogger of the week for Friend Finding Friday
over at Supermom! YAY Me!
It's been a week so this makes me smile lots!
To cheer up the week and make myself smile more, I am going to focus on some positive thoughts!
- We received a ton of great news last night about our Adoption that made us both have a sigh of relief. It's always nice to know things are better than expected.
- I was very productive on my day off work and organized clothes which is always such a hassle!
- The site plan was approved for our future business (a daycare!).
- I finished an excellent book that I absorbed for days. I highly recommend Delirium by Lauren Oliver!
- My pretty Valentine's Day flowers are still alive and not droopy yet.
- I had some really great laughs at my nephews birthday party on Sunday with family. I love when we all get together and laugh with each other!
- Even though I was ready for Spring - the little bit of snow we did get on Tuesday caused for a delayed opening at work - yeah!
Nothing big on the agenda this weekend! I have to take both girls to Dance class tomorrow as Daddy has other plans so that should be interesting to keep Abbie entertained while her Sissy dances. OH BOY! lol! Then maybe we'll see how the weather is and venture out...
I sure hope you had some positives this week.. HAPPY FRIDAY!