Are you looking for a new blog to check out? Maybe get some advice, just connect with another Mommy or a really good story to make you laugh? Well, here at Don't Blink, I have decided to start a Blogger Spotlight! I will be featuring my favorite blogs that I visit frequently. They make me laugh, they offer advice and they deserve a spotlight feature so you can check them out, too!
Say hello to Mandy from a sorta fairytale!
1. Where do you call "home"?
Home for me is Seattle, WA. (well we live in a suburb but close enough) :-)
I started blogging after my husband and I got married back in 2007. For the first couple of years, I very rarely posted anything, it was more of a way for us to update family and friends with things going on in our lives. After the birth of our son in January 2010, I started blogging a LOT more. My blog is my sons baby book, and a journal of our lives as a family. It's also a way for me to network with other ladies in similar walks of life!
3. Besides blogging, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I'm a work at home Mama, doing professional photography. So, a lot of my spare time is spend editing photos and consulting with clients.
4. Tell us about your family:
My husband Philip, he's sarcastic, realistic, creative & artistic, a business marketing major and one of the most wonderful people I know! My son Bennett will be 2 in January and is is silly, quirky, cuddly, loving, spastic, energetic & the sweetest little guy you'll ever meet. I just love my boys so much! Also, we are expecting another baby boy this coming April. Couldn't be more thrilled!!
5. What is the one thing your son can do to bring a smile to your face?
All my son has to do to put a smile on my face is be himself!! Like I said, he is so crazy silly, just a smile from him will completely light me up!
6. What does your family do for fun?
In the Spring and Summer months - you will find us out walking with my son, taking him to parks or the beach. Also, I'm a HUGE fan of baseball... so you'll find me at the stadium quite a bit. Something about sitting in the stands munching on garlic fries, watching baseball just makes me feel cozy and at home.
7. What do you find is the most fun about blogging?
The best thing about blogging are the people I meet!! I have met some amazing friends through the blogging community. Some I have met in real life, and others I feel like I have. Some of my best friends have been made through my blog.
Favorite place to shop? That's easy... Target. :)
9. What advice would you offer to a new Mommy?
The best advise I can give is to follow your own maternal instinct. Even if it doesn't feel like it, we all have it! We all know what is best for our children and our family. It's wonderful to get advise from people, but in the end.... follow your gut!
10. What do you like to do to pamper/spoil yourself?
Hmmm...well I love getting massages. Luckily my Hubby will give me one if I ask, but I try not to take advantage :) Going back to baseball, to spoil myself I just go to a game. I really do love it THAT much.
Hmmm...well I love getting massages. Luckily my Hubby will give me one if I ask, but I try not to take advantage :) Going back to baseball, to spoil myself I just go to a game. I really do love it THAT much.
Thank you so, so much Mandy for being a guest with me for the day! I can't wait to hear more exciting news about your growing family (and to see the pictures!!).
Are you interested in being a Guest Blogger here on Don't Blink?
Well, give me a shout! I'd LOVE to feature you!
Are you interested in being a Guest Blogger here on Don't Blink?
Well, give me a shout! I'd LOVE to feature you!