Are you looking for a new blog to check out? Maybe get some advice, just connect with another Mommy or a really good story to make you laugh? Well, here at Don't Blink, I have decided to start a Blogger Spotlight! I will be featuring my favorite blogs that I visit frequently. They make me laugh, they offer advice and they deserve a spotlight feature so you can check them out, too!
Please welcome, Ashley Sisk from Ramblings and Photos. I stumbled upon Ashley in the bloggy world while checking out some other awesome blogs that revolve somewhat around photography. Ashley takes the most WONDERFUL pictures (as you will see from her samples below!). She is super cute, super fun and super genuine, not to mention she has a very cute kitty that may steal the spotlight sometimes! I couldn't wait to learn more about her. I hope you enjoy.
Where do you call "home?" North Carolina - specifically, the Raleigh-Durham area (I work in Raleigh and live in Durham). I was born and raised about an hour east of where I live now.

When did you start blogging? I started blogging on December 29, 2009.
Besides blogging, what do you like to do in your spare time? I'm a bit of a home body. I have a tendency to turn on the tv and edit photos in the evening after a long day at work. I also love to read.
Tell us about your family. Let's see - my parents, my brother (27) and my sister (25) all live in a town about an hour east of Raleigh-Durham, NC. My in-laws live in a really small town about four hours west of us. So, for right now it's just me, my husband and Kitty Paw but we hope to start our own family later this year.

What is one thing that can always bring a smile to your face? Babies! I've definitely got baby fever right now so anytime I see babies, I light up.
What do you do for fun? The days of playing in the pool all day are long gone, but I love meeting up with my girlfriends after work, shopping or getting out and about with my camera. Oh...and I love to play dress up and take self portraits...but you knew that already.
What do you find is the most fun about blogging? I love the creative energy I find in the blogosphere. I initially entered the space to find my own creative MOJO, but I never imagined that I would meet so many creative and inspiring women (and those few men that manage to join us). I look forward to logging into my computer each day to check in with my friends. It definitely feels like a community.

Where is your favorite place to shop? I have a few places I love: Steinmart, TJ Maxx, Ross, Marshalls, Etsy and ebay. Yes - I said ebay. Outside of photography gear, I'm a bit of a bargain shopper. I will often check ebay before buying certain things to see if I can get an even better deal.
Tell me something you are completely obsessed with? The first thing that comes to mind is a one-piece bathing suit. Kelle Hampton frequently wears these adorable one-piece vintage swimsuits. She looks so cute in them, but I'm not sure I can pull them off.
What do you like to do to pamper/spoil yourself? Every 6-8 weeks I get my hair done...color and cut. This is the one area of my life that I don't bargain shop!
Please make a stop over at her awesome blog and leave her some love...
I know she'd love to hear from you!
Are you interested in having your very own feature? I'd love to spotlight you!