I decided to join in on this fun project of posting my 10 favorite photos from 2010.
Ok, it was REALLY hard to just pick 10 for me! I could have picked about 10 more and then some... but I narrowed it down to these 10, which also sort of mark significant memories as well.
Happy New Year!
1. Abbie Lynn - this was in early in 2010 -
Abbie was being her adorable little rotten self & I just happened to capture it in a picture. ♥
2. Jaelyn - Early Spring 2010 - We went over my Sisters to play outside because it was such a beautiful day. I love the colors in this picture (I just got my new camera!).
3. Abbie - SUMMER!! This was the first trip to the beach (for both girls). I love her little pudgy stomach, messed up hair and the serenity of the ocean. I just want to kiss her belly!!
4. Jaelyn - SUMMER!! Again, first trip to the beach and I remember how vividly they both just LOVED it so much! I hope we make many, many more trips this Summer.
5. Jaelyn - Late Summer - I took this picture at a local park. I wanted to get some good shots of the girls with the new camera and for Jaelyn's 3rd Birthday. She is so beautiful!!!
6. Abbie - Late Summer - same day as the above. Abbie isn't easy to get on film as she is so active, constantly running around and can't stop to smile! So, to see her taking a break, looking out like she is contemplating some big decision is a great time to snap a picture.
7. Jaelyn - October 2010 - This was taken at my cousin's wedding. Jaelyn was the flower girl and my oh my what a fabulous job she did! She surprised me with her willingness to pose for pictures, smile and capture everyones heart! ♥
8. Abbie - Fall 2010 - I don't remember the exact date but I know it was fall and my best friend, Brenda had come down for the day to play with the girls & hang out. I snapped this in the backyard and instantly fell in love with my lil cupcake all over again!
9. Abbie & Jaelyn - Winter 2010 - Christmas Card Photo Session! So hard to get them both in the same place, sitting perfectly and smiling so I pretty much gave up on that idea and decided to just let them do whatever & capture some randoms. This was on our Christmas card as I thought they both looked like little angels!
10. Abbie - December 2010 - Happy 2nd Birthday to my baby girl! I love her little crooked smile, haha! What a perfect way to end our 2010 - celebrating her!
Like I said, I could have chosen a ton more pictures but I tried to pick one from every season that marked something special for us. I can't wait to see what 2011 brings and you can be sure I will be snapping away to capture every moment!

These are great. I love the 3 and 4th ones from the bottom. They are so precious!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am a new follower. :)
They are so cute! I love #3 and #7!!
Super cute!
It is a good thing their adorable or the stinker side would drive us all crazy!
I love the photos. Your girls are 100% beautiful. I love the color in so many of the photos, but I especially love the pic of the girls together.
Thanks for joining us!!
Those are all so great! And it is SO hard to choose favorites!
I love #9, so cute that they are both looking off to the same place.
Adorable pictures! Looks like a great year :) i love the one of your oldest in the wedding, so adorable! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love new followers ;)
so cute
Beautiful girls! Love the beach pics. Can't wait to take my kiddos to the beach.
She is beautiful! She looks like a little model :) I love your blog!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Such beautiful daughters you have. I love the picture of your two girls together.
Your girls are darling!
How cute are they?! Love all of your pictures.
What beautiful girls you have that make such beautiful pictures!
You have such cute girls! I think I love #2 and #8 best. :)
You have such beautiful children! I love #5! So fun and playful!!
I really like the flower girl photo. What cute girls.
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