Welcome to the 2nd half or edition of my 2011!!
Let's see what the 2nd half of the year had in store for us...
I loved these 4th of July pictures... so simply & yet so cute.
We made lots of trips to the beach in July, along with going to every park within a 100 mile radius, playing in the sprinkler in the back yard and just loving our Summer!
Abbie was FULLY potty trained in July... woooohoooo!!! Big milestone!
Chelsea from The Paper Mama was a guest blogger. Love her! She is one of the funnest bloggers in blog world! Please go check out her lovely blog & give her some love.
We went swimming over my Brother & Sister-In-Law's house frequently... I discovered this wonderfully delightful drink (thanks to my MOM no less!)
Don't Blink joined the world of FACEBOOK!
Have you liked me on Facebook? Well, you really should!
How about Twitter? Yeah, do that too!! :)
I had an awesome giveaway from The Homemade Way and took some CUTE pictures of Abbie!
We had many, many late Summer nights playing outside. Exploring the backyard, taking pictures & just being. It was nice. AND HOT! I do love Summertime!
We had some very, very terrible flooding in August from tons of rain. See some pictures of it here. I remember worrying about how to get to work on someday because all the roads were either shut down or blocked!
We made some yummy cupcakes waiting out hurricane Irene...
which, didn't really do much damage. Thank God!
Another evening of playing... riding bikes... love it!
We celebrated Jaelyn's 4th Birthday at the end of the month! Ahhhhh... 4??? Such a sweetheart.
What a busy month September was!!! A wedding... A bachelorette party... WHEW!
I took some very cute pictures of a friends little boy. ♥ Lucas!
Hubby & I celebrated 14 years of marriage. Here is to 14 more....
Jaelyn started Pre-K and rode a bus for the very first time!
Yes, I cried putting her on that bus. Yes, I still cry seeing her turn into a little lady.
Our best friends were married at Yankee Stadium.
By far the coolest weddings ever. We were so honored to be a part of it!
Fall was upon us quickly! Brisk weather, leaves falling, and the Harvest Festival was back in town!
I discovered the world of Pinterest. Oh boy. LOL!
We visited a pumpkin patch to pick out some really awesome pumpkins!
The girls really enjoyed it... such fun with cousins & friends!
I discovered the world of iPhone and my life hasn't been the same since. haha!
Oh my.. I.Love.My.Phone. ♥
oh and we got a new washer & dryer too but pfft... who cares about that nonsense?
My hubby turned 41... haha.. he'll always be older than me & I love it! :)
My girls had the coolest Halloween costumes on the planet. Maybe I'm partial?
Strawberry Shortcake & Lemon Meringue
We played in the leaves....
Mandy from A Sorta Fairytale was a guest blogger. So much to learn from her!
I tried to get some shots of my girls for Christmas cards.... it went 'ok'.. lol!
I did take some VERY cute pictures of my Sister & her family - RIGHT HERE.
This was by far my favorite....
Two very sweet friends got married so we were off to another wedding!
We found out for certain that Abbie is 100% allergic to tree nuts. :(
My poor babe will never know the sweet joys of peanut butter on a spoon right out of the jar... unless, she outgrows it, which I really hope she does!
We celebrated Thanksgiving with family.
We all got super cut haircuts!
I did some crazy Thanksgiving Night/Black Friday morning shoppping!!
We went to a PARADE!!
I got this AWESOME new layout which I love, love, love!!!
We prepared for CHRISTMAS!!
It was our first official Christmas as a family of 4.
The girls had their first gymnastics show... The Peppermint Twist!
So cute seeing them jump around, walk the balance beam & be little gymnasts!
Read more & see more pictures, HERE!
Had a photo shoot with some ADORABLE girls! Devyn & Laurie ♥
We celebrated Abbie's 3rd Birthday!!! Oh my sweet baby girl, still can't believe you are 3!!!
We had the best Christmas ever.... ♥
I am so looking forward to 2012!
We will be ringing in the New Year with our dear friends, in pj's, having dinner, a few drinks
and probably coloring with our girls until the ball drops. I know, be jealous of our super exciting party!
I can't think of any other way to celebrate it though with people that I love!!